Iron chlorosis is a condition caused by iron deficiency in plants, leading to poor chlorophyll production. Here are the key signs:
Yellowing Leaves with Green Veins – The most distinctive symptom is interveinal chlorosis, where the spaces between leaf veins turn yellow while the veins remain green.
Stunted Growth – Affected plants often have smaller, weaker leaves and slow overall growth.
Leaf Dieback – In severe cases, leaf edges may turn brown and die.
Early Leaf Drop – If untreated, leaves may fall prematurely.
Most Common in Alkaline Soils – This issue is more frequent in high-pH soils (above 7.0), which limit iron availability.
Worse on Newer Growth – Symptoms usually appear on younger leaves first because iron is immobile in plants and cannot be transported from older leaves.
Common trees affected by iron chlorosis:
Pin Oaks
Silver Maples
Red Maples and hybrids (Red Sunset, Autumn Blaze, etc)
River Birches.